Policies, Plans, and Public Records


All requests to examine, copy or obtain public records, shall be submitted in writing utilizing the standard MDRS Request for Public Records form. These requests must be sent to the attention of the Public Records Officer by U.S. Mail to the address noted below or electronically to PublicRecords@mdrs.ms.gov.
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
Attention:  Public Records Officer
Post Office Box 1698
Jackson, Mississippi, 39215-1698

View the Request for Public Records form.

Public Records Policy

The public records policy of the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) has been adopted in accordance with the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983, Section 25-61-1, et seq, Miss. Code Ann. (1972). 

A request for information under the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 shall be submitted in writing to the Department of Rehabilitation Services. These requests can be sent to the attention of the Public Records Officer at Post Office Box 1698, Jackson, Mississippi, 39215-1698 or PublicRecords@mdrs.ms.gov

The request must identify the records, give the name, address and telephone number of the requesting agency or individual, and must be signed by the requesting party. This requirement may be waived on a case by case basis by the MDRS Executive Director or his designee to facilitate the orderly and timely release of the information. 

MDRS shall respond to the request in writing within 7 working days from the date of request. Denials shall contain the specific reasons for the denial. Copies of all denials shall be maintained on file by MDRS for not less than three years from the date denial is made. The person making the request may appeal any denial directly to the MDRS Executive Director. 

If the records will be disclosed, MDRS will give an estimate of the total cost, if any, for compliance with the request. If the estimate is agreeable to the requestor, MDRS will produce the records requested no later than 14 working days from the date the request and payment are received. Payments must be made by cash, check, money order, or cashier’s check. 

Records furnished to MDRS by third parties, which may contain trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information, will not be released until reasonable notice to the third parties has been given. For the purpose of providing advance notice to submitter’s of trade secret or confidential commercial or financial information, twenty-five days from the submitter’s receipt of written notice shall be deemed a reasonable time for the disclosure of the requested records in the absence of a court order to the contrary. 

Please note that client files, medical records, and personnel files are not considered public records. 


Any person desiring copies of public records who does not officially represent a public body, as defined in the Public Records Act, shall be entitled to obtain mechanically reproduced standard black and white copies at a charge of twenty five cents ($.25) per page or scanned, electronic copies at a charge of fifteen cents ($.15) per page, which represents the actual cost of such reproduction. Official representatives of public bodies, as defined in the Public Records Act, shall be entitled to reasonable copies of such records with no charge. 

If the searching, reviewing, duplicating or separating of non-exempt material from documents, etc., containing exempt material requires more than one hour of work, then any requesting party may be charged for the work time above an hour in addition to the reproduction charges detailed above. The charge for the hours shall be based upon the hourly salary of the lowest paid employee of MDRS qualified and available to do the job. 

Mailing costs calculated at the applicable United States Postal Service rates shall be charged where appropriate. The cost of mailing a notice to third parties via certified mail, return receipt requested, shall be charged to persons requesting the public records. No request for information shall be granted until the fees have been received by the agency. Please note that fees will be charged for records searches even when the requested information cannot be found.


Governor Tate Reeves redesignates Client Assistance Program (CAP)
Click HERE for PDF



MDRS State Plan and Policy Hearing (PDF)
VR/VRB Return on Investment Report